Monday, October 30, 2006

About the upcoming elections.

You know, I was born in the deep south. South Carolina is about as deep in the south as you get, politically. The folks here consider themselves staunch Conservatives. Friends of the flag, so to speak. They believe in fighting for everything. Our way of life, our families, and our right ro worship as we please.

Unfortunately, that DOESN'T include gays, same-sex marriage, right to privacy, freedom of choice. They  believe they have the right to choose for you. And really, THAT is the standard Republican line. We have been promised less intrusive government repeatedly by the Republican party and lo and behold we have lost the right to privacy.

I will be voting in this upcoming election on November 7th. I will not be voting FOR any party. I will be casting my vote for the candidates who have the greatest chance of defeating any Republican candidate they are running against. I am not alone in this. ESpecially given the recent scandals within the GOP. Pedephiles, bribe-taking, vote-selling, and Bush's refusal to hear the plea from America to end this God-forsaken war.

When you vote, cast your ballot with your conscience.


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