Monday, December 04, 2006

Open And Fair List Of Demands From Michael Moore

Arlington's Dead

This is what we demand:

1. Bring the troops home now. Not six months from now. NOW. Quit looking
for a way to win. We can't win. We've lost. Sometimes you lose. This is one
of those times. Be brave and admit it.

2. Apologize to our soldiers and make amends. Tell them we are sorry they
were used to fight a war that had NOTHING to do with our national security.
We must commit to taking care of them so that they suffer as little as
possible. The mentally and physically maimed must get the best care and
significant financial compensation. The families of the deceased deserve
the biggest apology and they must be taken care of for the rest of their

3. We must atone for the atrocity we have perpetuated on the people of
Iraq. There are few evils worse than waging a war based on a lie, invading
another country because you want what they have buried under the ground.
Now many more will die. Their blood is on our hands, regardless for whom we
voted. If you pay taxes, you have contributed to the three billion dollars
a week now being spent to drive Iraq into the hellhole it's become. When
the civil war is over, we will have to help rebuild Iraq. We can receive no
redemption until we have atoned.

In closing, there is one final thing I know. We Americans are better than
what has been done in our name. A majority of us were upset and angry after
9/11 and we lost our minds. We didn't think straight and we never looked at
a map. Because we are kept stupid through our pathetic education system and
our lazy media, we knew nothing of history. We didn't know that WE were the
ones funding and arming Saddam for many years, including those when he
massacred the Kurds. He was our guy. We didn't know what a Sunni or a
Shiite was, never even heard the words. Eighty percent of our young adults
(according to National Geographic) were not able to find Iraq on the map.
Our leaders played off our stupidity, manipulated us with lies, and scared
us to death.

But at our core we are a good people. We may be slow learners, but that
"Mission Accomplished" banner struck us as odd, and soon we began to ask
some questions. Then we began to get smart. By this past November 7th, we
got mad and tried to right our wrongs. The majority now know the truth. The
majority now feel a deep sadness and guilt and a hope that somehow we can
make make it all right again.

Unfortunately, we can't. So we will accept the consequences of our actions
and do our best to be there should the Iraqi people ever dare to seek our
help in the future. We ask for their forgiveness.

We demand the Democrats listen to us and get out of Iraq now.


Michael Moore

Stats thus far:

US Military Deaths (Iraq) - 2,900
US Military Wounded (Iraq) - 21,778
Iraqui Civilian Deaths (Min) - 49, 235
"Excess" Iraqui Deaths - 655,000

It's a fair and honest list. It's a fair and accurate assessment of who we are as the American people. It's an acccurate assessment of a dishonest war. It's fair to our troops and it's fair to the people in Iraq whom we have wronged.
Get us out of Iraq, now, Mr. Bush.

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